Plan miasta Lovrenc

Lovrenc - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Yugoslavia - Virtual Museum: Penthouse Adriatic Club Casino in ...

... is combined with socialist financing and skills, in this case supplied by the Rijeka "Brodokomerc," and "the most exciting and exotic resort experience of all time" is constructed for Westerners vacationing in the East. ...
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Vetrinjski mansion - Manor houses - Slovenia - Official Travel Guide -

The Archdiocese of Salzburg administration ran their estates in and around town from here, right up to the beginning of the 18th century. The most beautiful Baroque mansion in Maribor. The building is the most beautiful Baroque mansion in Maribor with wonderful stucco on the ground ... All Regions, The Podravska region, BENEDIKT, CERKVENJAK, CIRKULANE, DESTRNIK, DORNAVA, DUPLEK, GORIŠNICA, HAJDINA, HOČE - SLIVNICA, JURŠINCI, KIDRIČEVO, KUNGOTA, LENART, LOVRENC NA POHORJU ...
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Pezeidi ali "solze sv. Lovrenca"

Če vas v teh nočeh spanec ne bo hotel zvabiti med rjuhe, stopite na teraso ali vsaj do okna in se zazrite v nebo?Poleg pojemajoče polne Lune, boste med oblaki morda za trenutek uzrli dolg, svetel trak, ki bo prerezal temno nebo? ...
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